Alright, I try to start one of these every game and sometimes it works, sometimes it fails...let's see what happens this game...
So, My name is Rob Perez. Former head of Team commando Squad Squad (a classy squad) and now apart of the squad known as ORDER 66. Many of you might be wondering to yourselves: "dude, squads suck chodes, why should I even bother?" But, if you hear me out in the next paragraph or so, hopefully you can understand where I'm coming from.
Squads aren't a means to look like a bunch of bad asses that think they're hot shit. Squads aren't designed to run the block or to make people feel like they're inferior. In all honesty a squad is just a fist full of people you can rely on. A bunch of dudes and dudettes that you can rest assured will have your back when shit goes sour. Now some skeptics out there will say "yeah, I was in a squad last game, and they fucked me seven different ways to Sunday! THEY SUCKED!" For you guys that were screwed, some things can be prevented. A squad of capable people , with proper training, can provide to be far more valuable than a swarm of lost, confused humans.
One squad of five people and stay calm and calculate movements. They can live knowing that the person next to them will not run when a horde is about to gang bang them and will not move if you fall. So imagine if two squads, who actually know who each other are, work together? Do you know how lethal that could be?!?! Well, I do...hence why I'm typing this instead of studying for *insert generic science class here*.
The purpose for this attempt at a roster is for a few things...
-Establish a list of squads
-Hopefully squads show up to the trainings (yes, we do have trainings. They're actually kind of fun)
-attempt a communication network
"But wait Rob, most squads don't communicate! They're too busy trying to stick their huge egos in my face and yell at me to tell me what to do! What a bunch of schmucks!"
^ Everyone has seen this if you have played a game before. But let me tel you why this "squad Roster" Concept is still worth something.
So let's say for some miraculous reason, we have ten squads listed in this roster. This now gives some what of an organizational system that might not be perfect, but it is better than nothing. Ideally, if people come to trainings, these squads will know how to rely on each other instead of trying to out ego each other.
So let's say of these 10 squads, 5 of them work together. That would be classy as fuck. But what about the other five? Maybe they will work better and this can form a divide in command....which in the long run end the resistance.
I'm not saying "JOIN A SQUAD OR DIE!" It's not about that. It's about having a decent group of people that will save your ass. If you don't want to join a squad, that's cool. Lone wolves can survive if they do it right, but if the resistance as a whole wants to be vicious? If you want the resistance to actually have a coherent chance? Do you want to actually be able to get missions done without losing a third of the humans? Then maybe you might to look into a squad.
When you list your squad name, please place the name of the squad, the quad you are from, and if you are recruiting (which is always a nice thing) If you're a commuter squad same story.